Our Farm Story
Code 3 Cattle Co. was started by the Johnson family as a first generation farm family in June of 2019 to provide a better healthier food option locally. It all started with a few bee hives and then expanded into a few cows. Our 14 cows were bred, resulting in a great number of calves. Of course what farm doesn’t have egg chickens that multiply quickly.
On YouTube Nick Johnson discovered Joel Salatin and Gabe Brown and many other great teachers of land and stock management, using holistic, regenerative ranching techniques that allows nature to work as it should. The family, including the kids, soon learned how to be self-sufficient and live off the land.
We started building our cattle herd with Brangus cattle, raising the calves on mommas milk, grass, and creep feed for a good blend of nutrients and flavor. The calves are moved regularly and given clean water and free range minerals and creep feed at all times. No growth hormones are used on our cattle, and the only treatments administered are those deemed necessary for the health of the animal by our local veterinary and our farm manager, Nick Pagan, who is responsible for the upkeep of the animals daily. Our calves are processed with no additives, just pure beef, by a local butcher.

Our bees help keep our ecosystem and garden running strong and provides us with some great, pure, local, raw honey, not diluted down with cheaper foreign honey or additives. All of the honey is delicious and you will certainly taste the quality. The honey is never heated and it is lightly strained to remove large impurities such as pieces of bark or plants that the bees sometimes incorporate into the hive. We always leave enough honey behind for the bees to survive on and if the bees have a shortage.
We also have egg chickens that free range with their egg mobile behind the cows for a great tasting egg you can't get at big box. BUGS NOT DRUGS! And new to the farm in 2023 is our addition of meat chickens raised in the Salatin style chicken tractor and moved daily in the cow pasture behind the cows for a clean processed meat that has no additives, chemicals or drugs in our entire process from farm to table. Birds are processed on the farm using the Featherman processing equipment and packaged and frozen same day they are taken from the field.